
اس پیج سے آپ کو بہت اچھی اچھی معلوماتی چیزیں ملیں گی اس لیے اس کو ہر وقت چیک کرتے رہیں تا کہ آپ سے کچھ مس نہ ہو جائے۔ شکریہ

Thursday, August 29, 2019

MUZ Pakistan launching a new course '' Be blogger'' First one day workshop is on 1st sep 2019,
We are inviting you in our first free workshop, Hurry up Limited seats are available.
for more information call 0306-759-33882 and register to your self before coming.
Share this to all of your social media accounts and tell to your friends and family to join this free one day workshop.

Friday, August 23, 2019


How to create a Beautiful blog in your language

How to create a Beautiful blog in your language 

In this video Usama Ch, explained about a blogger and YouTube channel which is better to earn money online. There are many effective or fake ways to earn money online but most easiest is blogging. Make a blog and post effective things daily to earn money. If you wants to earn money online this video will help you very much then watch this video and ask us a question blew comments we will response you as soon as possible.

Your video is here.

Watch this video and subscribe our channel to never miss our updates , Like and share this video and visit for more videos,

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

آزادی کی اہمیت کا اندازہ صرف اور صرف وہ لوگ لگا سکتے ہیں جنہوں نے ان واقعات کو نہ صرف سن رکھا ہے بلکہ نہایت قریب سے دیکھ اور محسوس کر رکھا ہے۔ آج ہر شخص آزدی کا جشن مناتے پھرتا ہےوہ صرف لطف اٹھا رہا ہے اسے  اگر پوچھ لیا جائے کہ بھائی یہ خوشی کیوں منا رہے ہو تو اس کا ایک ہی جواب ہو گا کہ اس دن ہم آزاد ہوئے تھے  اس کے علاوہ اسے کسی سوال کا جواب نہیں معلوم ہو گا آیا کہ ہم کیوں آزاد ہوئے تھے؟ ہمارا مقصد کیا تھا؟ ہم نے آزادی سے کیا حاصل کیا؟
جناب سب سے پہلے تو ہم بات کریں گے کہ آزادی ہوتی کیا ہے۔ آزادی نعمت تو ہے لیکن اس کا مطلب کیا ہے اس کا مقصد کیا ہے؟ آزادی  سے مراد ہے کہ ہمارا اپنا نظام ہو، ہمارے اپنے قوائد و ضوابط ہوں جن کے تحت ہم اپنی زندگی گزار سکیں۔ آزادی اس فرد کی ضرورت ہوتی ہے جو یہ جانتا ہے کہ جیا کیسے جاتا ہے ،جو یہ جانتا ہے کہ ترجیحات کا تعین کیسے کیا جاتا ہے، جو یہ جانتا ہے کہ اپنے قوائد و ضوابط پر عمل کس طرح کیا جاتا ہے ، جو یہ جانتا ہے کہ آزادی کیا ہے۔ 

آج تک اس دنیا میں جتنی ترقی ہوئی ہے وہ آزاد قوموں کی وجہ سے ہوئی ہے غلام قوم کبھی ترقی نہیں کر سکتی۔ 
تو ابھی ہمیں اپنا جائزہ لینا ہے آیا ہم آزاد ہیں یا نہیں، جیسا کہ اوپر بیان کیا کہ آزاد قوموں کےاپنے آصول ہوتے ہیں اگر اس بات کو آگے لے کر فیصلہ کیا جائے تو پتا چلتا ہے ہمارا تو اپنا قانون ہی نہیں، ہم تو بیرونی قرضوں میں بیرونی امداد کے مستحق ہیں ہمارا تو اپنا سلیکا ہی نہیں ہے۔ ہم تو اوروں کی نقل کر رہے ہیں جبکہ ہم نعرہ لگاتے ہیں ہم آزاد ہیں۔۔
آزادی ایک طرح کی خود مختاریت ہوتی ہے جو کہ ابھی ہم میں نہیں ہے اس لیے ہم آزادی کی اس نعمت سے محروم ہیں بظاہر تو آزاد ہیں لیکن اندر سے ابھی غلام ہیں۔

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019


Free Spoken English Course Batch-2 starting soon _ Register Now

Only one day remains to registration for Free spoken English course , You can register yourself for this free course on on this site See <Notice Board>> on top of this site , then click on that link which is in notice board, and you will got a form, fill that form and submit it, your will be confirmed by Email address and your whatsapp number So, please fill up your form carefully and if you have any problem then tell us on mmuz0882@gmail.com or our Facebook Page.

Share this post with yours:-)

Eid Mubarak to All Muslims;

Muhammad Usama wishing you & families very happy Eid ul Adha , I am wishing too late because of my busy schedule last day, And also i was upset to listen the news about Kashmir that there, Muslims did not celebrate Eid, because of Indian army and Indian Govt. So, I also did not celebrate Eid's enjoyments. We are always with our Muslim & Kashmiri Brothers.

Celebrate your Eid by remembering your brothers
 So very very Happy Eid Mubarak

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Sunday, August 11, 2019


ہماری اخوت

 ہماری اخوت

کہا جاتا ہے کہ نصف صدی پہلے کا مسلمان ایسا نہیں تھا۔ وہ آج کے مسلمان سے قدرے مختلف تھا وہ درد دل رکھنے والا،وہ اپنے بھائی کو دیکھ کر خوش ہونیوالا ، وہ اپنے بھائی کی ترقی سے لطف اندوز ہونے والا، وہ اپنے بھائی کے ساتھ دکھ سکھ میں شریک ہونیوالا تھا۔ لیکن آج یہ حالت کیسے ہوگئ آج کیسے ایک بھائی امیر اور ایک غریب ہوگیا، کیسے آج ایک بھائی روتا اور دوسرا ہنستا نظر آتا ہے کیسے آج دو بھائیوں میں تکرار اور جھگڑا نظر آتا ہے۔ ان سب سوالوں کا جواب صرف اور صرف ایک لفظ پر مشتمل ہے، ہو سکتا ہے کہ آپ کا میری اس رائے سے اختلاف ہو لیکن 70 فی صد سے زیادہ آپ کے جواب میں بھی میرا جواب ہی شامل ہو۔ تو جناب وہ لفظ وہ وجہ لالچ ہے اس کے سوا کچھ نہیں، ہر کوئی ترقی کرنا چاہتا ہے اس کے لیے اپنے بھائی کو چاہے اسے مارنا پڑے، بیچنا پڑے یا دھوکہ دینا پڑے۔ میں یہاں صرف سگے بھائی کی بات نہیں کر رہا بلکہ جس مزہب کے ہم پیروکار ہے اس نے ہم سب مسلمانون کو آپس میں بھائی بھائی بنا دیا ہے ،علامہ محمد اقبال نے مسلمانوں کے بارے میں کیا کہا تھا

اخوت اس کو کہتے ہیں چبھے کانٹا جو کابل میں 
تو ہندوستان کا ہر پیرو جواں بیتاب ہو جائے

 یہ وہ مسلمان تھا جو حقیقی مسلمان تھا آج کا مسلمان ترقی کے لالچ سے داغ دار ہو چکا ہے ،اور یہ بات کفار بھی جانتے ہیں بلکہ اس نے تو آزما رکھا ہے برما ،فلستین اور اب کشمیر پر ظلم و ستم کر کے ،دنیا میں صرف پاکستان ہی اسلامی ملک نہیں ہے دنیا میں کل 54 اسلامی ممالک ہیں ۔ اب مجھے بتائیں کشمیر،برما اور فلستین پر کس اسلامی ملک نے کوئی عملی کارنامہ سرانجام دیا ہوں، جناب کس اسلامی بھائی ملک نے اپنے مفاد کو چھوڑ کر کسی دوسرے اسلامی ملک میں سرمایا کاری یا صرف خالی دورہ کیا ہو۔ کونسا ایسا اسلامی ملک ہو جس نے کسی دوسرے  اسلامی ملک کی خاطر جنگ لڑی ہو۔ میرا سوال ہے ہم پاک چین دوستی کی بجاے پاک عرب دوستی کی مثال ہون نہین دیتے۔ ہم نے پاک ترقی دوستی نعرہ تو کبھی نہیں لگایا۔ ہم نے پاک ایران نعرہ تو کبھی نہیں لگیا۔ 
باتیں تو اتنی ہیں کہ مین لکھتے لکھتے تھک جاوں اور آپ  پڑھتے پڑھتے۔ قصہ مختصر مسلمانون نے اپنا عروج سے زوال تک کا سفر کود شروع کیا ہے اور آج تک اسی سفر کو بڑی تیزی سے جاری کیے ہوئے ہیں جبکہ کفار عالم آج بھی متحد ہے اور اپنے مقاصد کو پورا کرنے میں ہے۔
اللہ ہمارا حامی و ناصر ہو

(اسامہ چوہدری)

Saturday, August 10, 2019


Registration Soon| Free spoken English Course

Free spoken English course will start soon, 14 August is registration day.
This free spoken English course is for those who did not pay school or institution fee, or they have no time to go and take lecture.So we prepare this course for all and free of cost.

About teachers and trainer:
Muhammad Usama is the team leader for this system & head
of MUZ Education team; He is expert in IT and has experience
to educate people effectively. He will teach you something about
communicate in any language, Because communication is most
powerful skill to do any thing in life and this world. He also
motivate you to do something new in a new way. One lecture on
communication will be held in a week and also one motivational  lecture will be held in a week by Muhammad Usama.

Other assistant teachers also teach you some rules, grammar and other things in English language
Mr. Waris teach you English Grammar from basic to very advance level, and he will give you daily
exercises for your better improvement in English language.

Mr. Sajjad will teach you that how to pronounce English worlds like native language. He has experience from England and now servicing in Pakistan for MUZ Pakistan. He will also give you tasks for your free times.

Who representing this course ?

MUZ Pakistan representing such course for those who
cannot attend

 worthy schools and institutions So,they can get this course free of cost like paid course totally free and will enjoy Happy learning like regular classes. Many of our investors here but they are not such rich or famous people, they belong to young and middle families.
MUZ Pakistan is the dream for success of Pakistan and its young nation, So we are providing different services for Pakistan and other poor & needy people in the areas of Information & Education. It is working since 2017 in Pakistan But now making progress all over the world. If you want join our MUZ Pakistan, we most welcome you to come with us. 

Thank you

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Sunday, August 4, 2019


Beautiful Poetry of Alama Muhammad Iqbal

Allama Muhammad Iqbal Ki Poetry, Voice over Usama CH/ Urdu_ Hindi

Alama Muhammad Iqbal Pakistan k Qomi shayar or muffakar e Pakistan hn, Unhon ny Muslamano ko gaflat  ki nend se bedar kia or ak aleda wattan Pakistan k bary mn idea dea. Alama iqbal na sirf Pakistan blky puri dunia mn maQbul hn , un ki poetry ki translation hr zuban mn ho chukki h or log usy pasand krty hn.


Poetry ko suny or agy share b kren ta k mzeed dost is se faida utha sken.


History of Lahore, Punjab Pakistan

Lahore (/ləˈhɔːr/; Punjabi: لہور; Urdu: لاہور‎, pronounced [lɑːˈɦɔːr]) is the capital of the Pakistani province of Punjab. Lahore is the country's second-most populous city after Karachi[2] and is one of Pakistan's wealthiest cities, with an estimated GDP of $58.14 billion (PPP) as of 2015.[6][7] Lahore is the largest city, and historic cultural centre of the Punjab region,[8][9][10][11] and one of Pakistan's most socially liberal,[12] progressive,[13] and cosmopolitancities.

Lahore's origins reach into antiquity. The city has been controlled by numerous empires throughout the course of its history, including the Hindu Shahis, Ghaznavids, Ghurids, and Delhi Sultanate by the medieval era. Lahore reached the height of its splendour under the Mughal Empire between the late 16th and early 18th century, and served as its capital city for a number of years. The city was captured by the forces of the Afsharid ruler Nader Shah in 1739, and fell into a period of decay while being contested between the Afghans and the Sikhs. Lahore eventually became capital of the Sikh Empire in the early 19th century, and regained much of its lost grandeur.[15] Lahore was then annexed to the British Empire, and made capital of British Punjab.[16] Lahore was central to the independence movements of both India and Pakistan, with the city being the site of both the declaration of Indian Independence, and the resolution calling for the establishment of Pakistan. Lahore experienced some of the worst rioting during the Partition period preceding Pakistan's independence.[17]Following independence in 1947, Lahore was declared capital of Pakistan's Punjab province.

Lahore exerts a strong cultural influence over Pakistan.[8] Lahore is a major center for Pakistan's publishing industry, and remains the foremost center of Pakistan's literary scene. The city is also a major centre of education in Pakistan,[18] with some of Pakistan's leading universities based in the city.[19] Lahore is also home to Pakistan's film industry, Lollywood, and is a major centre of Qawwali music.[20] The city also hosts much of Pakistan's tourist industry,[20][21] with major attractions including the Walled City, the famous Badshahi and Wazir Khan mosques and Sikh shrines. Lahore is also home to the Lahore Fort and Shalimar Gardens, both of which are UNESCO World Heritage Sites.[21]

Lahore consists of an old city area flanked on the southeast by newer commercial, industrial, and residential areas that are in turn ringed by suburbs. The old city was at one time surrounded by a wall and a moat, but these structures have been replaced, except in the north, by parklands. A circular road around the rampart provides access to the old city by 13 gates. Notable structures within the old city include the mosque of Wazīr Khān (1634) and Lahore Fort. A walled complex that covers some 36 acres (14.5 hectares), the fort is a splendid example of Mughal architecture; it was partially built by Akbar(reigned 1556–1605) and extended by the next three emperors. The mosque and the fort are decorated in marble and kashi, or encaustic tile work. Other historic landmarks include the Bādshāhī (Imperial) Mosque, built by Aurangzeb and still one of the largest mosques in the world; the 14-foot- (4.3-metre-) long Zamzama, or Zam-Zammah, a cannon that is immortalized (along with other details of the city) in Rudyard Kipling’s novel Kim (1901); Ranjit Singh’s buildings and mausoleum; the Shāhdara gardens, containing the tomb of the Mughal emperor Jahāngīr; and the magnificent Shālīmār Garden, laid out east of the city in 1642 by Shāh Jahān as a refuge for the royal family.

Lahore is a leading commercial, banking, and industrial centre. Textiles are the single most important industry, but there are many rubber factories, as well as iron, steel, and other mills. Railways and air services link Lahore with other major cities of Pakistan. Pop. (2005 est.) urban agglom., 6,289,000.

                                                          C  O  N  T   I  N  U  E    

News Updates:
Muhammad Usama ch announced new article on usamach99.blogspot.com-

4 August 2019
Muhammad Usama upload a new blog named as Muhammad Usama, he publish his first post which is on biography of Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan, In this post he told about the life of Imran Khan. Many people likes to read this article.
Follow us for more useful articles.

Saturday, August 3, 2019


Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan

Imran Khan's Biography & Auto Biography

Imran Ahmed Khan Niazi HI PP (Urdu: عمران احمد خان نیازی‎; born 5 October 1952)[9] is the 22nd and current Prime Minister of Pakistan and the chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI). Before entering politics, Khan was an international cricketer and captain of Pakistan national cricket team, leading the team to the victory in 1992 Cricket World Cup.[n 1]
Khan was born to an upper-middle class Pashtun family in Lahore in 1952; he was educated at Aitchison College in Lahore, then the Royal Grammar School Worcester in Worcester, and later at Keble College, Oxford. He started playing cricket at age 13, and made his debut for the Pakistan national cricket team at age 18, during a 1971 Test series against England. After graduating from Oxford, he made his home debut for Pakistan in 1976, and played until 1992. He also served as the team's captain intermittently between 1982 and 1992,[15] notably leading Pakistan to victory at the 1992 Cricket World Cup, Pakistan's first and only victory in the competition.[16]
Khan retired from cricket in 1992, as one of Pakistan's most successful players. In total he made 3,807 runs and took 362 wickets in Test cricket, and is one of eight world cricketers to have achieved an 'All-rounder's Triple' in Test matches.[17] After retiring, he faced scandal after admitting to tampering with the ball with a bottle top in his youth.[18] In 2003, he became a coach in Pakistan's domestic cricket circuit,[19] and in 2010, he was inducted into the ICC Cricket Hall of Fame.
In 1991, he launched a fundraising campaign to set up a cancer hospital in memory of his mother. He raised $25 million to set up a hospital in Lahore in 1994, and set up a second hospital in Peshawar in 2015.[20] Khan remains a prominent philanthropist and commentator, having expanded the Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital to also include a research centre, and founded Namal College in 2008.[21][22] Khan also served as the chancellor of the University of Bradford between 2005 and 2014, and was the recipient of an honorary fellowship by the Royal College of Physicians in 2012.[23][24]
In April 1996, Khan founded the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (lit: Pakistan Movement for Justice), a centrist political party, and became the party's national leader. Khan contested for a seat in the National Assemblyin October 2002 and served as an opposition member from Mianwali until 2007. He was again elected to the parliament in the 2013 elections, when his party emerged as the second largest in the country by popular vote.[26][27] Khan served as the parliamentary leader of the party and led the third-largest block of parliamentarians in the National Assembly from 2013 to 2018. His party also led a coalition government in the north-western province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In the 2018 general elections, his party won the largest number of seats and defeated the ruling PML-N, bringing Khan to premiership and the PTI into federal government for the first time.
In the months leading up to the legislative elections scheduled for early 2013, Khan and his party drew large crowds at rallies and attracted the support of several veteran politicians from Pakistan’s established parties. Further evidence of Khan’s rising political fortunes came in the form of an opinion poll in 2012 that found him to be the most popular political figure in Pakistan.
Just days before legislative elections in May 2013, Khan injured his head and back when he fell from a platform at a campaign rally. He appeared on television from his hospital bed hours later to make a final appeal to voters. The elections produced Tehreek-e-Insaf’s highest totals yet, but the party still won less than half the number of seats won by the Pakistan Muslim League–Nawaz (PML-N), led by Nawaz Sharief . Khan accused the PML-N of rigging the elections. After his calls for an investigation went unmet, he and other opposition leaders led four months of protests in late 2014 in order to pressure Sharif to step down.
The protests failed to oust Sharif, but suspicions of corruption were amplified when the Panama Paperslinked his family to offshore holdings. Khan organized a new set of protests in late 2016 but called them off at the last minute after the Supreme Court agreed to open an investigation. The investigation disqualified Sharif from holding public office in 2017, and he was forced to resign from office. Khan, meanwhile, was also revealed to have had offshore holdings but, in a separate case, was not disqualified by the Supreme Court.

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